
Rabbi Michel Schlesinger
Rabbi Michel Schlesinger comes to us from the Congregacao Israelita Paulista in São Paulo, Brazil, the largest synagogue in Latin America, where he was Senior Rabbi from March 2007 to 2021. He had been Assistant Rabbi at the CIP since August, 2005. He has a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Sao Paulo, and his rabbinical ordination and a Masters in Talmudic Studies and Halacha from the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem. He took additional coursework at the Rabbinical Management Institute in Los Angeles, the Jewish Theological Seminary, and the Leo Baeck Institute in London. He has published a book, Dialogues of A Rabbi.
While at CIP, Rabbi Schlesinger also represented his congregation at the Jewish Confederation of Brazil for Interreligious Dialogue, the National Catholic-Jewish Dialogue in Qatar, Religions for Peace, the International Council of Christians and Jews, and the Abrahamic Forum.
Rabbi Schlesinger, his wife, Juliana, and their two daughters, Naomi and Tamar, are excited to be part of the HERJC community. They are enjoying the welcoming and open-hearted nature of our community. It has been particularly gratifying to meet the membership in person.
Tel: 516-599-2634 ext 214
Hazzan Bonnie Zakarin
Hazzan Zakarin graduated from SUNY Binghamton where she received a BA in Judaic Studies. She was then accepted into the H.L. Miller Cantorial School at the Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS) in Manhattan, the premier cantorial school for the Conservative movement on the East Coast. A significant part of the program was going to Israel for the first year and studying at the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem. She graduated from JTS in 2012, and after her first pulpit in NYC, she joined HERJC in 2015.
​Since Hazzan Zakarin started at HERJC, she has brought zest, energy, and music to many programs at the synagogue. She runs the Kinder Cantors program where children from the congregation learn liturgical and contemporary Jewish music. She helps children (and adults) learn Torah and Haftorah portions for their B'nei Mitzvah and other special Shabbatot and Holidays. She also produces the HERJC Purim spiel, music programs for our Early Childhood Center, and yearly cantorial concerts, as well as participating in countless community activities. She has supported increasing our instrumental musical Shabbatot, with invigorating results. In addition to her role as the Hazzan, she also served for five years as our Religious School Director. Most importantly, in the transition to our new Rabbi complicated by the pandemic, Hazzan Zakarin was the steady presence that gave joy and stability to our congregation.
Hazzan Zakarin is married to her beloved husband, Moshe, and has two beautiful children, Kayla Esther and Heshy.
Tel: 516-599-2634 ext 215

Our Staff

Betsy Kass
Early Childhood Center
Office Administrator
Tel: 516-599-2634 ext 231
Board of Directors
Martin Abrams
Tamar Barbash
Laurie Stone Brofsky
David Burton
Lisa Cohen
Marilyn Cohen
Stanley Cohen*
Yosef Dlugacz
Norman Doctor*
Bruce Drantch
Jaime Ezratty
Jason Gang
Terri Gold
Marc Goldberg*
Rita Gottlieb*
Michael Greenberg
Keith Harrow
David Horton
Adam Ingber
Barbara Kaplan
Lisa Keith
Harold Kislik*
Liz Kislik*
Aryeh Klonsky
Martin Lesser
Stuart Markowitz
Stephen Moelis*
Judith Nysenholc
Matilde Olin
Jonathan Polansky
Audrey Polinsky*
Elliott Polinsky
Nancy Rehns
Nora Skiba
Stuart Sugarman
Laura Underweiser
Beverly Wachtel
* Past President
Honorary Board Members
Marion Hauser
Judy Herbst
Joy Kaminsky
Larry Miller
Ellen Schieren
Joseph Sklar
Contact & Details
HERJC is your community center.
Let us know what we can do for you.
Morning Minyan
Sundays @ 9:00 AM - In Person (followed by breakfast) & Zoom
Mondays & Thursdays @ 7:45 AM - In Person & Zoom
Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Fridays @ 7:45 AM - Zoom Only
*Holidays will be 9:00 AM unless otherwise noted*
Evening Minyan
Sundays-Thursdays @ 7:30 PM - Zoom Only
Kabbalat Shabbat Services
Fridays @ 6:00 PM
Shabbat Services
Saturdays @ 9:30 AM
295 Main Street, East Rockaway, NY 11518
Email: contactus@herjc.org
Phone: 516-599-2634