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President: Beverly Wachtel


We are a group of Jewish women of diverse ages, backgrounds and interests who join together to:


• Serve as a welcoming arm for women and their families into Synagogue life
• Provide stimulating opportunities for Jewish and intellectual growth
• Reach out beyond our Congregation to serve the community at large
• Offer a warm environment to help women develop and fulfill their


Please call us to share your ideas and to get involved at 516-599-2634.

Adult Education Committee


Chairperson: Cheryl Strom


The Adult Education Committee plays a role in all HERJC activities that involve our adult members and education - but we interpret education in a very broad sense. These educational activities include traditional ones, such as the Rabbi's Talmud Class and the Hazzan's classes on learning to daven or learning trope for Torah or haftarah readings. But they also include a series of Movie Nights, a Krav Maga Self-Defense class, a Jewish Trivia contest, discussions on the situation in Israel, talks on Jews around the world, and so on.


Many of the Adult Education Committee's activities are co-sponsored by Sisterhood, and we have also worked together with other local synagogues. The Adult Education Committee is eager to solicit ideas for new programs, and we are hoping to encourage younger people to participate.

Ritual Committee

Chairperson: Michael Goldwasser



The Ritual Committee is concerned with the religious observance and ritual practices in all areas of the Synagogue. The committee establishes and reviews standards, procedures, practices, and guidelines for Shabbat and Holiday services, daily minyan, Holiday celebration and observance, B'nei Mitzvah training and observance, and kashrut observance.


In addition, the committee oversees the maintenance and procurement of ritual objects and materials used in services, such as the Sifrei Tora, Humashim, prayer books, kippot and talitot, etc., and in coordination with the House and Decor Committees, ensures that the Sanctuary and other facilities are properly maintained and configured to support and enhance religious services. The committee includes the religious professionals (Rabbi and Hazzan), and is responsible for evaluating their performance and making recommendations to the Executive Board regarding personnel matters.

House Committee

Chairperson: Audrey Polinsky



The House Committee is responsible for the short and long term care of the HERJC facility. Its members generally have backgrounds in engineering, construction or a related field. They have overseen everything from the rebuilding of two classrooms lost to a fire to the painting of the gym. Recommendations for major purchases of furniture, carpeting and other interior accessories also require House Committee approval.


Furthermore, the HERJC House Committee is committed to the principles of conservation and perhaps the most important environmental issue of the 21st century: the overuse of fossil fuels, leading to pollution and global warming. By taking a leadership role in this area, HERJC can not only make a small contribution to the cause, but also can serve as a role model for the community. We also recognize that conservation in the long-term can benefit the Congregation financially and attract environmentally sensitive members, was well as

fulfilling our communal role.


Therefore, the House Committee pledges to conduct an inventory of the current physical plant and plans to focus on conservation and making practical, environmentally friendly changes, such as our 20.4 kilowatt Solar Electric Photovoltaic System (solar panels) on our school wing.


Going forward, the House Committee will review the environmental impact of any new projects before undertaking them, including but not limited to: exploring how to reduce our environmental footprint and/or reduce our use of oil/gas/electricity. We will partner with the Adult Education Committee to bring speakers and programs to our Congregation and the broader community that will increase our environmental awareness and knowledge and give our congregants opportunities to improve conservation in their own homes and lives.

School & Youth Board

Chairperson: Amy Pomponio



The HERJC School & Youth Board oversees the programming and curriculum of the Nursery School, Religious School, and Youth Groups. We consult with the administrators of the different youth programs and provide feedback. Our group consists of a diverse selection of congregants, with a school section

and a Youth Group section.


Co-Chairpersons: Jaime Ezratty & Joe Sklar


HERJC CARES is the committee actively involved in advocating worthy causes to promote Tikkun Olam (Repair The World). In keeping with the HERJC mission statement, HERJC CARES facilitates our members' participation in deepening their sense of community. To accomplish our mission, we have identified five main areas of focus:


• Homeless and Disadvantaged
• Health and Healing

• Education
• Environment
• Israel and World Affairs


As an example, HERJC CARES is a strong supporter of the Hatzilu Rescue Organization, providing vital assistance so that the needy have faithful & continuing care. One of the major ways that we affirm that tie is to hold an annual Israel Bonds event. Over the past 4 years, we have had a dessert reception in our shul or in a member’s home with a speaker from the Israel Bonds community, as well as an informative presentation on the instruments that Israel Bonds offers as investment vehicles. These events have been very successful in raising investment dollars as well as our congregation’s consciousness on the subject of Israel Bonds.


Additionally, our Sisterhood and Men's Club are active in giving back, participating with HERJC CARES to make a huge difference! The Sisterhood Walk for Israel, has raised money for the victims of terrorism in Israel and to support JTS. Additional money has been raised to support our congregation’s twinning project with Netzach Yisroel, a Masorti congregation in Ashkelon, Israel.

Israel Committee


Chairperson: Tova Markowitz


Tamar Barbash, Michael Goldwasser, Ariel Grunberg, Brian Melzer, David Schieren, Rachel Sult


The Israel Committee is dedicated to supporting  HERJC’s vibrant Jewish community while fostering an enduring connection with the people and the State of Israel. Our mission extends to promoting understanding, combating prejudice, and celebrating the diversity of Jewish identity. Through engaging programs, educational initiatives, and cultural exchanges, we seek to strengthen the bonds that unite us with Israel, and its rich heritage. By celebrating Israel's cultural, historical, and technological contributions, we aim to inspire a sense of pride and belonging among the HERJC community.

Ruach Committee

Co-Chairpersons: Elaine Garver & Laura Underweiser

HAKOL: The Voice of HERJC




HAKOL which means “the voice” in Hebrew, is published five times a year from September through June. HAKOL is one of variety of communication tools used at HERJC to keep our congregants informed. The editors strive to educate our community about what’s happening at the synagogue as well as within the worldwide Jewish community. We try to cover all aspects of HERJC life and often run photo essays of our events. HAKOL features a handy calendar that highlights all of our upcoming synagogue activities.


Throughout its 50+ year history, HAKOL has won many awards. Most recently, it was awarded the Excellence in Synagogue Programming by United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism.


All donations made to HERJC from $18 and up are published in HAKOL. If you would like to make a donation for publication, please access the donation page on this website or call the main office at 516-599-2634.


HAKOL is kept up to date weekly via our "Happenings" e-newsletter. Please contact the main office to add your email to our weekly e-newsletter at 516-599-2634 or email

Contact & Details

HERJC is your community center.
Let us know what we can do for you.


Morning Minyan

Sundays @ 9:00 AM - In Person (followed by breakfast) & Zoom

Mondays & Thursdays @ 7:45 AM - In Person & Zoom

Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Fridays @ 7:45 AM - Zoom Only

*Holidays will be 9:00 AM unless otherwise noted*


Evening Minyan

Sundays-Thursdays @ 7:30 PM - Zoom Only


Kabbalat Shabbat Services

Fridays @ 6:00 PM


Shabbat Services

Saturdays @ 9:30 AM


295 Main Street, East Rockaway, NY 11518


Phone: 516-599-2634

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