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B'nei Mitzvah Corner

Preparation Questions

What will my child learn in Religious School in preparation for their B'nei Mitzvah?
While the education in our Religious School does not include B'nei Mitzvah training, students in the HERJC Religious School learn many of the prayers that are included in the service and some of the skills necessary to chant from the Torah.


Are B’nei Mitzvah required to do a Mitzvah or community service prior to their B'nei Mitzvah? Who approves/supervises and oversees this program?
Yes. All students are expected to do a mitzvah project as part of their preparation. These programs are selected by the students and their families in the Spring of Hay, and are approved and supervised through the Religious School office.


When do formal B'nei Mitzvah lessons begin, what will be covered at the lessons and who will teach my child?
Your child will be tested 18 months prior to their B'nei Mitzvah to assess their level of reading and trope recognition. Weekly lessons will begin 9 to 12 months prior to the B'nei Mitzvah. The timing of the start date will depend upon the time of year the B'nei Mitzvah is scheduled for, your child’s level of competency and how much participation they will have in the service. Your child will meet with Hazzan or a designated tutor for up to a half hour per week. Please note that Synagogue policy requires that your account be current for lessons to begin. Hazzan will contact you to set up your time for lessons.


How is my child expected to participate in the service on the day of their B'nei Mitzvah?
B’nei Mitzvah generally chant the full Kiddush at Friday night services and read from the Torah and chant the Haftarah on Shabbat morning. They also deliver a brief D’var Torah address which reflects on the meaning of the Torah portion.


What else can my child do in addition to what is expected?
We are eager to have students participate more fully by reading extra aliyot from the Torah and leading more of the service if they are able to do so and willing to put in the preparation time that is required. Students wishing to do more should discuss this with Hazzan.


How much time should my child practice on a weekly basis?
The best way to master the material and make progress is to devote at least 15 minutes daily to practicing what has been taught in the weekly lessons. Students who don’t practice between lessons tend to fall behind and put their participation in the service at their B'nei Mitzvah in jeopardy.


When and how many times does the family meet with the Rabbi prior to the B'nei Mitzvah and who schedules these appointments?
Rabbi Schlesinger generally meets with B’nei mitzvah and their parents privately 3 times prior to the B'nei Mitzvah date. These sessions enable the Rabbi to get to know the family and study Torah with them. It also provides a time for him to help the student to prepare his or her D’var Torah.

Contact & Details

HERJC is your community center.
Let us know what we can do for you.


Morning Minyan

Sundays @ 9:00 AM - In Person (followed by breakfast) & Zoom

Mondays & Thursdays @ 7:45 AM - In Person & Zoom

Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Fridays @ 7:45 AM - Zoom Only


Evening Minyan

Sundays-Thursdays @ 7:30 PM - Zoom Only


Kabbalat Shabbat Services

Fridays @ 6:00 PM


Shabbat Services

Saturdays @ 9:30 AM


295 Main Street, East Rockaway, NY 11518


Phone: 516-599-2634

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